barblina meierhans


Von Artefakten

for orchestra (2015)

Von Artefakten is an attempt to examine in microscopic detail the compactness of final orchestral chords from the Romantic and late Romantic periods, with the compositional focus also taking in the macroscopically crude outline of the interfaces.
Experiments led me to discover a rich blend of complex sounds and artefacts featuring the finest of nuances. Often described as irritating illusory phenomena, I do not seek to ignore these sound particles as unloved scraps of noise, but instead expand them and use them as compositional components. The information of a recording perhaps plays a role here, but I am particularly taken by the countless incidental sounds of the instruments, of the orchestra as a body of sound, and of the audience within the space of the preserved concert. It's those distilled distortions of sound which also during the live process become a playground. The result of this research is four sketches for orchestra.

Dresdner Philharmonie
Conductor: Leslie Suganandarajah

18 May 2015, WP, Concert Hall, HfM Dresden, Germany
A cooperation of Dresdner Philharmonie with KlangNetz Dresden
